Sunday, June 26, 2016

Becoming a Teacher

When I made the decision to become a teacher it was hard to find support. I understood where my family and friends where coming from. The education system had been given a very bad reputation. The loss art of teaching, what happened to the apple on the desk? Teachers were being laid off by the dozen, others had classroom sizes that made teaching impossible, and every teacher was not being paid a fair wage for their hard work. My friends and family simply wanted more for me. I miss the day a student could place an apple on their favorite teacher’s desk. If that happened in today’s world the teacher would look at the apple with fear of becoming the next snow white.

My decision was not based on the education system today or over the past five years, but rather the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. I was certain the future of teaching would be brighter. And now independent school districts are receiving the financial support to employ and pay educators a competitive wage. Most school now have incorporated technology in the classroom. Using technology opens the scope of delivering lesson plans, in hopes to be able to reach more students. It is improvements like these and many more to come that make teaching an incredible career to choose.  

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