Wednesday, June 15, 2016

- Middle School Observation….Reviews of teachers

In one of my classes I was required to complete a certain number of observation hours. I choose to observe a middle school because everyone talks about how difficult it is so I had to see it for myself. My assignment was simple, watch the interaction between the teacher and student then write a response paper. I kept on open mind towards the students. I was excited that the teacher I would be watching had been teaching for over 25 years, I knew he would be a professional. For the most part I was wrong about everything. I assumed to be a middle school teacher for that long he would be a rock on the outside with the soft center. This teacher was 100% rock! He welcomed me into his class from his desk, “Come in and sit where you want”. This was towards the end of his conference period so I thought maybe he was finishing an important email. I would wait then try small talk later witch was a great plan until he left the room. The buzz notifying the end of the period went off so this was it, time to watch a pro in action! I look at him so happy and ready to go. The teacher looks up at me like Denzel Washington in The Equalizer, “You better find a place and stand your ground”. I thought to myself he is joking, but later his actions showed me he clearly thinks we or teachers are going to war. He did not welcome one student, “Technology day…come in sit down” repeating again and again “Technology day, hey sit down”. After getting class started he walks over to me, “Is the day over yet”. This man was done with the day at ten in the morning. The more I observed the less reserved the teacher and his class became.  His disrespect for the art of teaching corresponded directly with the behavior problems from the class. That experience taught me some people should only teach for five or ten years. Not everyone is cut out to be a teacher for over 25 years.      

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